Terms of Service

Terms of Service

1. General

These terms regulate the relationship between the Customer and SpanningNetworks AS in connection with the purchase or rental of services from SpanningNetworks AS. This may include, for example:

  • Web hosting, domain, email, and DNS services
  • Hosting and operation of servers
  • Consultancy services in IT operations
  • Supply of hardware and software

The agreement is considered concluded when the customer has submitted an order. This can happen via phone, web, email, in writing, or verbally. Any specific terms that deviate from these General Terms and Conditions, and which are in accordance with an accepted offer or signed agreement with the Customer and SpanningNetworks AS, will take precedence over these General Terms and Conditions.

2. Contact Information

SpanningNetworks AS assumes that the person listed as the recipient of email, as well as those who have access to login information, are also authorized to manage products and services. This authorization includes changes, deletions, transfers, cancellations, or other actions that affect the scope of the service. It is assumed that the Customer has implemented procedures to ensure proper handling of the rights to products and services, and that the Customer informs SpanningNetworks AS of any changes in control information.

The Customer is obliged to update the control panel in the event of ownership changes, address changes, or changes in the email address where the Customer can be reached, etc. If the Customer does not have access to the control panel, or if it is not possible to do so for the relevant service, the Customer is obliged to report changes in contact information to SpanningNetworks AS. The Customer is responsible for ensuring that the information provided to SpanningNetworks AS is correct at all times.

3. Termination

When services are terminated or transferred, it is the Customer's responsibility to retrieve all data stored with SpanningNetworks AS before the agreement period expires. All Customer data will be deleted upon termination of services. This can happen at the end of the agreement period, upon receipt of the termination, or on the specified date for the service's termination.

SpanningNetworks AS reserves the right to terminate an agreement or refuse to accept an order.

4. Breach

If the Customer significantly breaches their obligations to SpanningNetworks AS, SpanningNetworks AS has the right to immediately terminate the applicable agreement(s), whereby the services will be terminated, and data may be deleted without notice. Significant breach includes, among other things, non-payment beyond 30 days after the due date. In the event of non-payment, SpanningNetworks AS may deny the Customer access to the services. The Customer bears the risk that a breach of one service may affect the functionality of another service. In the event of a breach, the Customer's payment obligations will apply for the entire started agreement period.

5. Changes

SpanningNetworks AS reserves the right to perform updates, upgrades, and adjustments to the products and services provided.

SpanningNetworks AS reserves the right to make minor adjustments in prices and terms of use for products and services, as well as changes in content, scope, and delivery method, without prior notice. SpanningNetworks AS may also adjust prices on ongoing agreements in accordance with inflation and changes in market conditions without prior notice. Examples of changed market conditions include currency changes, price changes on licenses and software, and changes in prices from subcontractors.

Significant changes to the terms will be communicated to the Customer with at least 30 days' notice. This can happen electronically, for example via email or by information upon logging into the control panel. If the Customer does not accept these changes, the services must be terminated within 30 days after the notice was given. If the services are not terminated within this period, the changes are considered accepted by the Customer.

6. Liability

The Customer cannot claim compensation beyond the amount paid to SpanningNetworks AS for the last 12 months before the basis for liability arose. The compensation does not include indirect losses, such as lost profits, consequential losses, and other follow-up losses. Claims for compensation in the event of a breach must be made without undue delay.

SpanningNetworks AS is not liable for compensation if Force Majeure situations arise.

7. Miscellaneous

If SpanningNetworks AS changes ownership structure, company structure, or company form, the customer relationship will automatically transfer to the new ownership structure, company structure, or company form.

8. Disputes

Disputes arising in connection with this agreement that cannot be resolved through negotiations between the parties shall be settled according to Norwegian law and handled by ordinary courts.

9. Late Payment

In case of late payment of an invoice, a late fee may be incurred. If the invoice is 7 days past the due date, the related services may be temporarily suspended until payment is made.

The services will automatically be reopened when the entire invoice, including the late fee, is paid.

If the entire invoice is not paid within a reasonable time (no later than 30 days after the original due date), the related services will be deleted and the invoice sent to collections.

10. Payment from Sanctioned Countries

We cannot accept payments from sanctioned countries, or from companies or crypto exchanges operating in these regions. This includes, but is not limited to: Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, and Syria.


Terms of Service for dedicated and virtual servers

1. General

This agreement regulates the relationship between SpanningNetworks AS and the Customer.

Matters not covered by this agreement fall under the general terms and conditions called "Terms of Service".

Specific terms that deviate from the General Terms of Service will take precedence.

2. Uptime Guarantee

It is guaranteed that infrastructure such as power, switches, transit, DNS, UPS, etc., has an uptime of 99.99%. If SpanningNetworks AS does not achieve this uptime, the customer receives 1 day of discount per hour of downtime. Discount/compensation beyond 1 month of free dedicated server is not provided. The customer must contact SpanningNetworks AS themselves if they believe the uptime guarantee has not been met. Planned maintenance on server/infrastructure is not considered downtime in connection with the uptime guarantee.

3. Subscription

Dedicated and virtual server is an ongoing service that is billed in advance. The billing cycle is determined by the Customer upon ordering. The subscription is automatically renewed under the current terms until a valid termination is received. If the Customer terminates after the new billing period has started, the Customer must pay for the entire period. The Customer's payment commitment corresponds to the started billing period. The contractual commitment period may vary depending on the order.

4. Miscellaneous

Dedicated and Virtual Server is a service where the Customer is responsible for operating the server and has root/administrator access. SpanningNetworks AS does not manage the server. The Customer is responsible for monitoring RAID, disks, etc. SpanningNetworks AS will, upon request, replace components that have failed to the best of their ability, but as soon as possible.

If the Customer's services cause problems that may affect other users, SpanningNetworks AS reserves the right to shut down the service or ask the Customer to stop using problematic software.

The Customer must ensure that the services are not used in violation of applicable laws and regulations. The Customer is responsible for all material placed on the server, that copyright is not infringed, that necessary permits from public authorities are in place, and that the material does not violate applicable laws and regulations.

Usage that SpanningNetworks AS does not allow includes but is not limited to:

  • Material that violates applicable legislation, including hate material, profane content, recipes/instructions for explosives, etc.
  • Denial of service attacks (DoS)
  • IP spoofing
  • Sending spam
  • Mining or plotting
  • Mass port scanning
  • Copyright infringement

The Customer must back up the data stored on SpanningNetworks AS servers themselves.

5. Liability

The Customer can under no circumstances claim compensation beyond the amount the Customer has paid for a Dedicated Server at SpanningNetworks AS in the last 12 months, calculated from the time liability was notified. Compensation does not cover indirect losses, including lost profits, consequential losses, and other follow-up losses. Claims for compensation in the event of a breach must be made without undue delay.

SpanningNetworks AS is not liable for compensation if a Force Majeure event occurs.

6. Bandwidth

All services include a predetermined amount of traffic. If this traffic amount is exceeded, the services may be temporarily suspended. Servers with a free traffic plan must follow our fair use policy (10% of the port's capacity).

SpanningNetworks AS reserves the right to reduce the bandwidth of a service to maintain service quality (QoS) or to prevent misuse.

7. Resources

For virtual servers, sustained CPU usage exceeding 30% over a long period is not allowed. Short-term peaks with higher usage are allowed without restrictions. If your CPU usage consistently exceeds the 30% threshold, we will inform you and recommend a transition to a dedicated server for optimal performance.

8. Termination

The Customer must terminate the agreement themselves in the control panel unless otherwise agreed with a customer service representative at SpanningNetworks AS. If the Customer does not have access to the control panel, the Customer must contact SpanningNetworks AS for the termination procedure. The agreement must be terminated before the due date of the last invoice.

9. Right of Withdrawal

A dedicated server is built to order and is considered a customized service. There is no right of withdrawal on dedicated servers after the order is delivered. The Customer understands and accepts that they waive the right of withdrawal when a dedicated server is ordered.

Terms of Service for IP Space

SpanningNetworks AS takes the abuse of IP space very seriously. Abuse may include, but is not limited to, activities such as:
  • Spamming: Sending unsolicited emails or hosting spam services.
  • Phishing: Hosting websites or services that deceive users into providing sensitive information.

  • Malware Distribution: Hosting or distributing malicious software.

  • Illegal Content: Hosting content that violates any laws or regulations, including but not limited to copyrighted material, child pornography, or other illegal content.
  • Denial of Service Attacks: Using our services to perform or participate in DoS or DDoS attacks.

  • IP Spoofing: Falsifying IP packet information to conceal the origin of traffic.

If we determine that your use of IP space constitutes abuse, we will take immediate action, which may include suspending or terminating your service without notice. Repeated offenses will result in permanent termination of services. We reserve the right to cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies in the investigation of any activities that violate applicable laws.